Tips for your Trial

Tips on Getting the Most for Your Money at your Trial

  • Wear a zip up or button up shirt to your appointment if possible, so as not to mess up your hair or make-up (so you can go on a hot date later on)
  • It is great to wear “white” to your trial, so you can get a feel for what your makeup might look like with a Wedding Dress.
  • Bring pictures of makeup that you like & don’t like – it gives us something to work from.
  • Be vocal. Don’t be shy about what you want! Bring pictures from a magazine of a look that you might want to try.
  • Be honest! Let your make-up artist know your likes and disklikes. Your artist can able to offer ideas and alternatives to suit your look.
  • Be alert! Let your artist know in advance about any skin allergies you may have, so precautions are taken.
  • Facials and waxing should be done no later than two weeks before the “big day” to avoid adverse skin reactions.
  • Enjoy being pampered! This is a great opportunity for you to learn about what type of make-up and skin care works for you.